
Been almost a month since.......

Some updates about me and life and stuff.

Better news about my Dads condition. He has a low grade, low risk type cancer. No surgery needed, minor procedures like scrapings and stuff and some new meds.

Been working a bit more on some side personal projects, video/audio stuff.

Had an awsome Arrabiatta sauce my friend made from scratch last night. YUM.

Got a new chair for my home office. I know you probably don't care, but I do.

Also had a boom in friends on my Myspace page. at the begining of last week I only had 8 friends on that site. Now i'm up to 24 or 25. Ooh it's getting exciting.

From myspace page I have contacted an old friend of mine. Really psyched about that. Gonna grab some food with him and catch up. Turns out he hangs out quite a bit in my office.

www.myspace.com/gergy if you care to check it out. Friends talked me into doing it. Kinda glad they did. Found old friends on there that I am keeping in touch with there now.
I'll try and update more often now. There were too many things going on for a while and this fell to the back burner. I should have been updating it more often to keep a log of it for myself but..... you know how that goes.

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