So it's the year of the RAT. YAY. I'm a rat. Means new beginnings and stuff. Well thats funny, cause I have a job interview coming up and I didn't even start to look for one yet. My name got dropped by an old colleague and then one thing led to another. So I hope something comes of it.
I've been sick since before Xgiving, some sort of cold or flu that just won't vacate my body. Damn Virii. Gotta make an appt to a Dr. so I can get rid of this damn thing.
So, no one reads this post. haha oh well, I'll keep myself entertained.
I have been doing quite a bit of photography lately. Back in Dec of 07 I was hired to take pics for company Xmas party (not my company). After all was said and done, pay was took little. Didn't realize all the work and time that went into it. Learned some hard lessons in photography as well. But thats a good thing right?
Went to an old friend's house from High School for a hang out between XMAS and NY. Part of an old science club gang that hung out. That was really fun, great foods, massaged her dog and presents all around. then I had to take some portraits of my friend Glenn cause he always complains that he doesn't have any descent pics of himself.
Now, back to the daily grind.
Oh, speaking of new beginnings... I hope to being posting at least once a week here. I have some trips and events planned for the year and want to write them and post up some pics.
Pic of the gang from High School

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