
Hello again.

Even though I'm not posting often, I do hope that some of my ramblings are entertaining. This new post I hope, will be that for you as well.

I've been having sinus problems and that + allergies been messing me up. A friend told me about this thing called the Neti Pot that you jam in your nose and using a mixture of salt and really warm water, you pour it in your nose and it helps flush out all this extra crap you got, some mucous and some of the allergens that get caught up there and stuff.

Believe it or not, i was freaking about it when my friend told me she uses it daily, but i figure why not give it a try and maybe it will help me with my issues.
So here is the video my sister took of me performing the act.

I'll tell you something, I wasn't sure what the resutlt was going to be. But I really kept and open mind about it. After using, I was clear for the rest of the night last night. I will use this quite a bit during my allergy season, and off season whenever I want full use of my nasal passages.

Besides who wouldn't want to use a product that on the side of the box advertises as a NASAL DOUCHE.

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