Wow. Pissed I haven't updated this blog in a while. Only had 1 fan read it so far, that I know of anyways.
Dads back and forth to the dr. and hospital. Have a temp UTERER removed thats applying pressure on his kidneys. I hate all this shit thats happening.
Through Myspace have contacted some old friends, made a new friend. Been fun and frustrating at the same time.
Work has been sucking a lot lately. Just don't like going in anymore. Been working on changing that. Need to get off my ass more though. I don't think I'm going to try and make the situation at work any better. I'm holding myself back anyways. Need to move on. Wish I could think of another occupation to get into. I'll say more later.
Sitting here typing is making me think. I don't think i'm going to keep this up anymore. Will take a me a little bit to decide. I want to type out my issues and stuff, but don't know if I want anyone to read them anymore. Not that I have started to scratch the surface anyways.
Thoughts are too incomplete today. I feel like I'm rambling on in typing as well. Not feeling to happy with myself right now.
So, I'll go before I get super moody.
I question I get sometimes. Some of my friends wonder.
Q: Do I still live with my parents?
A: Yes and No. My family owns a 6 family house in which my sister and I both have apartments in the building. My sister and I take care a lot of the business which goes on there. And yeah, my parents live there too. I don't see them as often as my sister does. When I come home I want to be alone for a little while, sometimes I visit them and something I don't. Believe me it's possible to do that. Everyone asks if my mom cooks for me all the time too. Nope. She knows I like cooking for myself more. She will invite me over for dinner and stuff when we all hang together, but I try to keep that seperate.
So it's cheesy and lame and not sometimes. The way I see it is that I grew up with a ton of aunts, uncles and cousins and we were all raised more or less the polish way. We all stay together and help each other out. Some of my cousins moved away, but not far. Hell, I love my neighborhood too and no way can I beat my rent. Sure I don't pay as much as the highest renter in the buidling, but I am the 2nd highest renter, so there. Everyone thinks I live there for free.
I do take care of the house a lot. Garbage and recycling, shoveling, paperwork, collecting rents and stuff. Owning a house it a pretty big job overall + parents getting older and I love em = I take care of it.
+ i have 100% access to a nice yard, I BBQ all spring summer and fall and hang out on my rood on occasion. How many people get all those freedoms?
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
Q: Do I still live with my parents?
A: Yes and No. My family owns a 6 family house in which my sister and I both have apartments in the building. My sister and I take care a lot of the business which goes on there. And yeah, my parents live there too. I don't see them as often as my sister does. When I come home I want to be alone for a little while, sometimes I visit them and something I don't. Believe me it's possible to do that. Everyone asks if my mom cooks for me all the time too. Nope. She knows I like cooking for myself more. She will invite me over for dinner and stuff when we all hang together, but I try to keep that seperate.
So it's cheesy and lame and not sometimes. The way I see it is that I grew up with a ton of aunts, uncles and cousins and we were all raised more or less the polish way. We all stay together and help each other out. Some of my cousins moved away, but not far. Hell, I love my neighborhood too and no way can I beat my rent. Sure I don't pay as much as the highest renter in the buidling, but I am the 2nd highest renter, so there. Everyone thinks I live there for free.
I do take care of the house a lot. Garbage and recycling, shoveling, paperwork, collecting rents and stuff. Owning a house it a pretty big job overall + parents getting older and I love em = I take care of it.
+ i have 100% access to a nice yard, I BBQ all spring summer and fall and hang out on my rood on occasion. How many people get all those freedoms?
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
Been almost a month since.......
Some updates about me and life and stuff.
Better news about my Dads condition. He has a low grade, low risk type cancer. No surgery needed, minor procedures like scrapings and stuff and some new meds.
Been working a bit more on some side personal projects, video/audio stuff.
Had an awsome Arrabiatta sauce my friend made from scratch last night. YUM.
Got a new chair for my home office. I know you probably don't care, but I do.
Also had a boom in friends on my Myspace page. at the begining of last week I only had 8 friends on that site. Now i'm up to 24 or 25. Ooh it's getting exciting.
From myspace page I have contacted an old friend of mine. Really psyched about that. Gonna grab some food with him and catch up. Turns out he hangs out quite a bit in my office. if you care to check it out. Friends talked me into doing it. Kinda glad they did. Found old friends on there that I am keeping in touch with there now.
I'll try and update more often now. There were too many things going on for a while and this fell to the back burner. I should have been updating it more often to keep a log of it for myself but..... you know how that goes.
Some updates about me and life and stuff.
Better news about my Dads condition. He has a low grade, low risk type cancer. No surgery needed, minor procedures like scrapings and stuff and some new meds.
Been working a bit more on some side personal projects, video/audio stuff.
Had an awsome Arrabiatta sauce my friend made from scratch last night. YUM.
Got a new chair for my home office. I know you probably don't care, but I do.
Also had a boom in friends on my Myspace page. at the begining of last week I only had 8 friends on that site. Now i'm up to 24 or 25. Ooh it's getting exciting.
From myspace page I have contacted an old friend of mine. Really psyched about that. Gonna grab some food with him and catch up. Turns out he hangs out quite a bit in my office. if you care to check it out. Friends talked me into doing it. Kinda glad they did. Found old friends on there that I am keeping in touch with there now.
I'll try and update more often now. There were too many things going on for a while and this fell to the back burner. I should have been updating it more often to keep a log of it for myself but..... you know how that goes.

LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW.....................
god i love the snow sometimes. love it even more now that i purchased a SNOWBLOWER!!!!! was talking to my sister last friday about it. Said that we need to help ease the work on my dad cause he's soo stubborn he'll always use a shovel + the age thing. Looked online, found something nice at home depot. Called them to confirm this, got the run around for a while then someone was like, whoever u spoke too didn't know their ass from their elbow. None in stock but all snowblowers are %50 off!
WOOHOO! Michele (sister) and I get there after work and find a better model and with the % off we get a sweet deal.
Sunday comes and mom is the first to use it. I couldn't stop talking about how awesome it was all day. One of my better ideas thats even impressed me! Anyways, if you get a lot of snow in ur area, go buy one!

And now, something completley different.
So I went with a few friends last night to this gay bar called Splash. 2 of the friends were gay just so we know and my friend T who calls herself a faghag. I know it's not the most couth thing to say. But between them 3, it's ok. Interesting place. Drink specials a plenty, make them strong too. I only had 1. We sat up in the front where they have 3 large screens playing music videos. They were telling me about this video where 3 or 4 chicks are doing construction work with tits and ass jiggling a plenty. They were upset that it wasn't coming on, but eventually did. I was happy too. Anyways. Something to experience, these guys are funny as hell though. Hung out with them a few times before during other social events. After, went back to my friends house and ordered a Patsy's Pizza with shrooms. DAMN GOOD!
My day leading up to it was uneventful.
Theres a girl in my office whos last day is today. Will miss her sort of. Never interacted so much that we're friends or anything. Will say goodbye to her later on.
The rest of my day will be spent cleaning up my office. Looks like a tornado hit it.
So I went with a few friends last night to this gay bar called Splash. 2 of the friends were gay just so we know and my friend T who calls herself a faghag. I know it's not the most couth thing to say. But between them 3, it's ok. Interesting place. Drink specials a plenty, make them strong too. I only had 1. We sat up in the front where they have 3 large screens playing music videos. They were telling me about this video where 3 or 4 chicks are doing construction work with tits and ass jiggling a plenty. They were upset that it wasn't coming on, but eventually did. I was happy too. Anyways. Something to experience, these guys are funny as hell though. Hung out with them a few times before during other social events. After, went back to my friends house and ordered a Patsy's Pizza with shrooms. DAMN GOOD!
My day leading up to it was uneventful.
Theres a girl in my office whos last day is today. Will miss her sort of. Never interacted so much that we're friends or anything. Will say goodbye to her later on.
The rest of my day will be spent cleaning up my office. Looks like a tornado hit it.
So, I get home thinking that it will be a quiet night and will do some laundry, wrong. Stopped by to see my dad cause he had a Dr's appt today to check on his kidneys. He had some blood in his urine and 1 dr said that it might have a small infection. Turns out he has a form of cancer. I was hit hard but held my ground. No sense getting upset as soon as i heard, cause I needed to know more. I wanted to be strong for him as well.
Supposedly it's in it's early stages. Will have a minor op to determine what exactly it is. It's small and they think they can just do a scraping on his bladder to get rid of it. I still went to do my laundry, was getting time. We hung out at my place he mainly slept sitting up on my couch as I watched Pinks on Speed ch. I come home in between laundry duties. Loading washer and dryer and shit. He was wiped out cause they jammed a camera through his peehole and he said it takes a lot out of you.
After I went up to see Michele (sister) and talked to her about it. She didn't want to say too much and to keep herself distracted, she was cooking. I got some of the leftovers for lunch tomorrow. Garlic Shrimp in a tomato type sauce and some angel hair kinda pasta. Anyways..........
Doing what I can to hold myself together. It's really never racking considering I just lost my uncle Benn last July and then his wife, my aunt Alice this past Jan. Now to hear my dad being stricken with this fucking bullshit! I hear that there is a cancer cluster of people in Greenpoint. Something about an under the ground fuel leak or some shit.
Other than that, my boss stood me up for lunch. He forgot he already had an appt with his boss. He then asked me to get a drink after work to talk about crap in the office but i had to blow him off. He's not gonna be happy when I tell him everything. Hope they'll let me go for it and I can sit back and collect some unemployment for once. I've never collected. I've been working steady since 18 or 19. Been working summers since I was 15 or 16. I think I could use a break.
Supposedly it's in it's early stages. Will have a minor op to determine what exactly it is. It's small and they think they can just do a scraping on his bladder to get rid of it. I still went to do my laundry, was getting time. We hung out at my place he mainly slept sitting up on my couch as I watched Pinks on Speed ch. I come home in between laundry duties. Loading washer and dryer and shit. He was wiped out cause they jammed a camera through his peehole and he said it takes a lot out of you.
After I went up to see Michele (sister) and talked to her about it. She didn't want to say too much and to keep herself distracted, she was cooking. I got some of the leftovers for lunch tomorrow. Garlic Shrimp in a tomato type sauce and some angel hair kinda pasta. Anyways..........
Doing what I can to hold myself together. It's really never racking considering I just lost my uncle Benn last July and then his wife, my aunt Alice this past Jan. Now to hear my dad being stricken with this fucking bullshit! I hear that there is a cancer cluster of people in Greenpoint. Something about an under the ground fuel leak or some shit.
Other than that, my boss stood me up for lunch. He forgot he already had an appt with his boss. He then asked me to get a drink after work to talk about crap in the office but i had to blow him off. He's not gonna be happy when I tell him everything. Hope they'll let me go for it and I can sit back and collect some unemployment for once. I've never collected. I've been working steady since 18 or 19. Been working summers since I was 15 or 16. I think I could use a break.
Well I did my good deed for the day already. Upon exiting the subway station I saw a woman with a baby in carraige that needed a hand up the stairs. Guess she didn't realize that there is an elevator at this particular station. So I gave her a hand.
I occasionally find people who need a little help and give them a hand. One of my favorite ones was during a summer years back, I was sitting on my stoop hanging out with my Uncle Benny and just chatting. Accross the street I saw a woman carrying a care package that she wanted to send to Poland. She looked like she was struggling with it. I told my uncle that I'll be back in a few and I'm gonna give her a hand. I was thinking that she wanted to take it to this parcel place just on the corner, nope. This place wan another block and a half. I guess I felt I was a greater deed cause it was farther that I thought and that this woman wouldn't have to struggle. She looked already beaten from wherever she came from. I jump on everything thing that I see as an opportunity, but is it bad to be selective?
I occasionally find people who need a little help and give them a hand. One of my favorite ones was during a summer years back, I was sitting on my stoop hanging out with my Uncle Benny and just chatting. Accross the street I saw a woman carrying a care package that she wanted to send to Poland. She looked like she was struggling with it. I told my uncle that I'll be back in a few and I'm gonna give her a hand. I was thinking that she wanted to take it to this parcel place just on the corner, nope. This place wan another block and a half. I guess I felt I was a greater deed cause it was farther that I thought and that this woman wouldn't have to struggle. She looked already beaten from wherever she came from. I jump on everything thing that I see as an opportunity, but is it bad to be selective?
Ah, my 2nd day posting on this blog. Well the first blog I actually posted wasn't much but a test, I still call it a blog. I really should be working right now, then again, I need to blog as well.
This is an experiment for me. It will help me in a few ways. First, it will help with my typing. 2. Give me another outlet to entertain people. 3. As I discuss the the crap that goes on in my head, maybe I'll figure myself out at the same time. God knows I don't have the balls to see a shrink right now. I'm sure there are more reasons, can't think about them right now. I'll list em as I make them up. Buwahahaha.
I don't expect this blog to be viewed by a lot of people. Perhaps a spoonful of friends and any poor sould that stumbles upon this blog. I'm sre I'll have lots to talk about and then not be lazy and post it. Working in an IT dept all by my loneseome, I get hit with a lot of goofy shit. I just roll with it. I'll post old stories that I have from crap that happens here and stuff. I'll post some pics and links that I find. I'll talk a lot is what it's boiling down to.
Just so you know me a little bit, I'll leave u with catch phrase that I use in my signature at work
Your man in the mine fields of computing.
This is an experiment for me. It will help me in a few ways. First, it will help with my typing. 2. Give me another outlet to entertain people. 3. As I discuss the the crap that goes on in my head, maybe I'll figure myself out at the same time. God knows I don't have the balls to see a shrink right now. I'm sure there are more reasons, can't think about them right now. I'll list em as I make them up. Buwahahaha.
I don't expect this blog to be viewed by a lot of people. Perhaps a spoonful of friends and any poor sould that stumbles upon this blog. I'm sre I'll have lots to talk about and then not be lazy and post it. Working in an IT dept all by my loneseome, I get hit with a lot of goofy shit. I just roll with it. I'll post old stories that I have from crap that happens here and stuff. I'll post some pics and links that I find. I'll talk a lot is what it's boiling down to.
Just so you know me a little bit, I'll leave u with catch phrase that I use in my signature at work
Your man in the mine fields of computing.
A test of the Emergency Bloggers Association......
As if.......
More to come.........
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More to come.........
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