
I question I get sometimes. Some of my friends wonder.

Q: Do I still live with my parents?

A: Yes and No. My family owns a 6 family house in which my sister and I both have apartments in the building. My sister and I take care a lot of the business which goes on there. And yeah, my parents live there too. I don't see them as often as my sister does. When I come home I want to be alone for a little while, sometimes I visit them and something I don't. Believe me it's possible to do that. Everyone asks if my mom cooks for me all the time too. Nope. She knows I like cooking for myself more. She will invite me over for dinner and stuff when we all hang together, but I try to keep that seperate.

So it's cheesy and lame and not sometimes. The way I see it is that I grew up with a ton of aunts, uncles and cousins and we were all raised more or less the polish way. We all stay together and help each other out. Some of my cousins moved away, but not far. Hell, I love my neighborhood too and no way can I beat my rent. Sure I don't pay as much as the highest renter in the buidling, but I am the 2nd highest renter, so there. Everyone thinks I live there for free.

I do take care of the house a lot. Garbage and recycling, shoveling, paperwork, collecting rents and stuff. Owning a house it a pretty big job overall + parents getting older and I love em = I take care of it.

+ i have 100% access to a nice yard, I BBQ all spring summer and fall and hang out on my rood on occasion. How many people get all those freedoms?

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
Been almost a month since.......

Some updates about me and life and stuff.

Better news about my Dads condition. He has a low grade, low risk type cancer. No surgery needed, minor procedures like scrapings and stuff and some new meds.

Been working a bit more on some side personal projects, video/audio stuff.

Had an awsome Arrabiatta sauce my friend made from scratch last night. YUM.

Got a new chair for my home office. I know you probably don't care, but I do.

Also had a boom in friends on my Myspace page. at the begining of last week I only had 8 friends on that site. Now i'm up to 24 or 25. Ooh it's getting exciting.

From myspace page I have contacted an old friend of mine. Really psyched about that. Gonna grab some food with him and catch up. Turns out he hangs out quite a bit in my office.

www.myspace.com/gergy if you care to check it out. Friends talked me into doing it. Kinda glad they did. Found old friends on there that I am keeping in touch with there now.
I'll try and update more often now. There were too many things going on for a while and this fell to the back burner. I should have been updating it more often to keep a log of it for myself but..... you know how that goes.