
When life sucks, Vacation.

I know that people will disapprove of me vacationing when I haven't been employed for 14mo now.  And right now, I don't want to be employed.  I search and search and come up empty handed or interview and come up with hollow promises.  You can actually smell the bullshit on the interviewers.  I know times are tough, but don't shove a plate full of bullshit under my nose and try to wet my appetite.  Not happening.

So in 11 days I heading off to Croatia for the 2nd time.  My father's country.   I think and hope that it will clear my head and calm me down enough so that when I get back, I'll be focused enough to get back on track and maybe try a new approach to my life and the no work issue pending here. 

Hey, does anyone ever read this?  Maybe I should start to advertise my blog onto other social network sites. 

Leave a comment at least that you've read this so that I still know that I'm alive at least.  haha


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